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Hydromulching: Heavy Wood Mulch Application

HydroMulching and Hydroseeding Defined
A Grass Planting Process

The basics of "Hydro-Seeding" and "Hydro-Mulching" (an overview).

Section Headings:

1. The Process
2. The Mulch Material
3. The Value of Mulch
4. Hydro-Mulching has a Variety of Uses
5. The Results
6. Mulch Application Rates (the basics)
7. The Mix in the Tank / The Application on the Ground
8. Seeding, Sodding, Hydro-Seeding, or Hydro-Mulching
9. The Demand for Hydro-Seeding & Hydro-Mulching is Booming.

The Process

Hydromulching, sometimes referred to as hydroseeding, is a grass planting process. The process is fast, efficient, and economical. This grass planting process is usually more effective than conventional seeding and certainly more economical than conventional sodding.

The process begins by mixing mulch, seed, fertilizer, and water in the tank of a hydro-mulching machine. The mixed material is then pumped from the tank and sprayed onto the ground. The material is often referred to as a slurry, much like a soupy batch of green papier-mâché. Once applied to the soil, the material enhances initial growth by providing a micro-environment beneficial to seed germination.

If the area being planted is smooth and manicured, the resulting grass surface will be smooth and manicured. Golf greens are frequently planted with hydro-mulching resulting in a smooth surface.

Hydro-mulching material is weed free. However, weed seed is almost always present in the soil, and when the soil gets the moisture and fertilizer from the planting process, weeds usually appear.

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The Mulch Material

Mulch products are usually produced from wood or re-cycled paper. The wood raw material is processed into fibrous material, and usually packaged in 50 pound bags. A very specific fiber texture is particularly important in achieving an erosion resistant product which can also be easily pumped with a hydro-mulching machine. The mulch fiber is dyed green for aesthetics, but the color is also important so that the thickness of application can be monitored.

The Value of Mulch

Mulch applied to the soil reduces moisture evaporation from the soil. Grass seed needs soil moisture to germinate and grow. Moisture must initially come from either irrigation or rainfall. Once the soil has moisture, mulch helps the seed get the most benefit from that moisture. Poor growth is almost always due to the seed and or the seedlings not getting enough moisture during certain critical times. Soil moisture is always important.

A good mulch application also provides erosion resistance. Soil erosion caused by flowing water is always a factor. Mulch helps hold soil in place and reduces the possibility that the seeds will be washed away, providing a better chance for establishing a more uniform coverage of grass. Further, when soil erosion is reduced, soil pollution of streams and other bodies of water bodies is reduced.

The mulch, with its fibrous network in the soil, can have significant benefits in reducing or preventing soil erosion. But the strength of the mulch can be enhanced by using a tackifier. A tackifier is a glue for tying the mulch and soil together.

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Hydro-Mulching Has a Variety of Uses

New home lawns may be the largest single defined market for hydro-mulching. Other landscape applications are also significant. Hydro-mulching is being used more and more in new golf course construction. Each of these applications is usually irrigated, and the turf resulting from the application is usually classified as "fine turf". Sod Quality Results can be achieved almost every time when appropriate amounts of quality wood mulch and tackifiers are used.

New highway construction always needs new grass planted. Grass is frequently needed on mine sites, and reclamation of mine sites has increased with the recent concerns for the environment. Utility construction areas frequently need grass after pipe lines or power lines have been constructed. The list of places for planting grass in these "non turf quality" areas seems to be endless. Hydro-seeding, utilizing less mulch, is frequently used on these large areas to be more economical. Hydro-seeding can work well on these "non-irrigated" areas, if the conditions are not too hot and dry.

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The Results

Warm and moist conditions promote faster seed germination. Seed bed conditions determine growth rates after germination. When all the conditions are favorable, grass may require mowing and have excellent coverage in three to four weeks. It may be possible, under the most ideal conditions, to produce a turf suitable for a football field which can be ready for play in 90 days. During less favorable circumstances, a good stand of grass can take many months, or even up to a year, to become established.

Mulch Application Rates

Hot conditions demand more mulch. In the desert southwest, 65 to 80 pounds of wood mulch per 1,000 square feet provides the best protection during the very hot and dry conditions of summer. However, about 45 pounds per 1,000 square feet does very well in the spring and fall.

In cooler and wetter conditions, such as in the Pacific Northwest, 35 pounds per 1,000 square feet will usually provide excellent results. However, as much as 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet will likely be best during July and August in the Seattle area.

In Anchorage, Alaska, it has become apparent, that too much mulch tends to reduce the quickness of germination. This is likely due to the fact that the seed needs warmth, and the sun may not be adequate to heat the soil insulated by the mulch.

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The Mix in the Tank / The Application on the Ground

Calculating materials for a tank load begins by determining how much mulch can be used in a single tank load. Many operators use from 30 to 35 pounds of wood mulch per 100 gallons of water. This creates a slurry which is not too thick to pump, and it is not too soupy to apply to hard soils and/or wet soils.

Once it has been determined how much mulch is in a tank load, then the coverage of that tank load can be determined.

  • · AN EXAMPLE: A 1,000 gallon machine could be loaded with 350 pounds of mulch. Assume an application rate of 40 pounds per 1,000 square feet. By dividing 40 (the pounds of mulch desired per 1,000 square feet) into 350 (the pounds of mulch utilized in a full tank load), the answer is 7.5. This translates to 7.5 times 1,000 square feet or 7,500 square feet.
  • · Once it has been determined that the tank load should cover 7,500 square feet, then the amount of seed and fertilizer for 7,500 square feet can be mixed into the tank load.
  • · The final challenge is to actually apply the tank load of mixed material onto 7,500 square feet. The best way to accomplish this application rate is to measure an area of 7,500 square feet and mark it off. Then apply the mulch slurry to the measured area until all the slurry is used. Experienced applicators can actually apply the materials onto the ground at the desired rate with reasonable accuracy.

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Seeding, Sodding, Hydro-Seeding or Premium Hydro-Mulching ?

  • Each method has its advantages and disadvantages:
  • Seeding without the protection of mulch is less expensive than hydro-mulching.
  • Hydro- seeding with little or no mulch can also be very cost effective. Broadcast seeding without mulch, or hydro-seeding with little or no mulch may be the method of choice due to budget constraints. However, such processes are always subject to hit-and-miss results.
  • Sodding will provide solid coverage of grass immediately, but is costly, and installation is labor intensive. The lowest cost solid sodding usually costs almost twice the cost of even premium hydro-mulching. Premium grasses and certified clean sod can easily cost three times the costs of premium hydro-mulching using premium grasses.
  • Premium Hydro-Mulching can provide a full coverage of grass in three to four weeks, depending on conditions. The cost of premium hydro-mulching may be more than twice that of thin-mulch hydro-seeding. However, premium hydro-mulching is considerably less than the costs of solid sodding. Where sod quality results are needed, and where good irrigation is available, premium hydro-mulching is by far the most logical and economical choice for establishing fine turf.

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The Demand for Hydro-Seeding & Hydro-Mulching is Booming

  • Almost all construction sites need new grass. The big question ultimately becomes, how good and how reliable must the grass planting results be. The results needed will determine if lower costs hydro-seeding is best, or if the site needs to be planted with more reliable hydro-mulching. The biggest problem facing the industry today is that there is no clear definition separating low cost hydro-seeding from premium results hydro-mulching. This lack of clarity is a problem for everyone.
  • Many people don't recognize that there is a significant difference. The purchaser of the service is inclined to take the lowest bid, not realizing that he is asking the contractor to do a cheap job. The contractor does not necessarily know how to bid a job. He may realize that premium results are needed, but also knows that the price will determine who gets the job in a competitive situation. It is not possible to bid a job at a low price and provide a premium application.
  • Even the buyer of a machine for hydro-seeding or hydro-mulching needs to know the difference. A good hydro-mulching machine can do everything, but will appear to cost somewhat more than a similar sized hydro-seeding machine. The purchase of a cheap hydro-seeding machine can be a disaster for a new contractor intending to enter the business of planting sod quality grass on new lawns and fine landscapes.

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