Look inside the tank to make sure that nothing is in the tank that shouldn't be.
Start the engine and set the engine throttle to about ½ speed.
Engage the agitator clutch.
Start the flow of water into the tank.
When the water level reaches the augur shaft, pour in the tackifier.
Load about ½ the total mulch to be used with this tank load.
Turn off the water when the tank becomes about ¾ full.
Load all seed and fertilizer.
Load the remainder of the mulch.
Resume filling the tank with water until the tank is full.
Set the engine to full throttle for approximately ½ minute. Then set the engine throttle to about ½ speed to begin hose application operations.
The tank load of material is fully mixed and ready to apply.
Note: If an external water source is used, be sure to disconnect the water line from the machine before moving the machine.
How to Load a TurfMaker® Quickly
Look inside the tank to make sure that nothing is in the tank that shouldn't be.
Start the engine and set the engine throttle to about ½ speed.
Engage the agitator clutch.
Start the flow of water into the tank.
When water level reaches the augur shaft tank pour in the tackifier.
Load about ½ the total mulch to be used with this tank load.
Load all seed and fertilizer.
Load the remainder of the mulch.
Note: Be sure all the materials are in the tank before the tank becomes more than ¾ full.(Do not hesitate to turn off the water if the water is flowing into the tank too fast and the tank is becoming full before all the materials are loaded.)
Set the engine to full throttle for approximately ½ minute. Then set the engine throttle to about ½ speed to begin hose application operations.
The tank load of material is fully mixed and ready to apply.
Note: If an external water source is used, be sure to disconnect the water line from the machine before moving the machine.